> From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If John Ashcroft were anyone _but_ an evangelical
> Christian (speaking as a non-evangelical
> non-Christian) the way he is treated by the Left would
> be recognized by everyone for what it is - sheer
> religious bigotry of the most unvarnished sort.

Huh?  I'm one of those people who voted for a dead guy over
Ashcroft.  I didn't like him when he was govenor of Missouri  I
didn't like him when he was a senator from Missouri.  And I don't
like him now that he's Attorney General.  This has NOTHING to do
with religious bigotry.  Unless disliking the man because he pushes
his religious agenda upon the rest of us is religious bigotry!

 - jmh

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