> This speculation raises several questions in my mind: if Saddam destroyed his
> nukes - WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US??? That's what we wanted, after all, what we
> were demanding, the ostensible reason for the invasion. Why do what he was
> supposed to but not gain any benefit from doing so? Let us invade anyway? He's
> a nutcase, but I don't see how this makes any sense from his point of view.
> Also, did we know he was doing it? ("We" meaning the CIA, the president, etc.)
> Could the destruction have been detected from outside Iraq's borders using spy
> satellites, etc.?
> And, if we did know - did we invade anyway because the president wanted his
> invasion? (This will piss off the Bush-is-wonderful-and-so-is-the-war crowd on
> this list, but it has to be asked in light of other suggestions that the
> president and his chickenhawk warmongers either cooked the intelligence books
> or ignored contradictory evidence or both.)

Come on Tom, think! If you know he has no WMD handy, isn't that the ideal
time to clobber him? It's a no-brainer.

Regards, Ray.


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