--- Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guatam replied:
> >How arrogant.  Basically your argument is that
> >Limbaugh is popular because he tricks the stupid
> >average Americans who listen to him, who are too
> dumb
> >and foolish to see through him - unlike the great
> and
> >wise Tom, who does.  Just like David, you make my
> case
> >better than I ever could.
> Guatam, have you ever actually *listened* to Rush
> Limbaugh?  He regularly 
> states "facts" that are boldfaced lies or misleading
> generalizations.  Here 
> are a few examples from
> or
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?X24916D75

Yes, actually, although not often.  I don't have a
car, and therefore little reason to listen to the
radio.  I would point out, btw, that if you are
relying on FAIR as a non-partisan source, you're going
to be in a lot of trouble.

I don't doubt that Limbaugh makes mistakes.  He speaks
for, what, 2 hours a day, five days a week, 40+ weeks
a year, without a script?  _Of course_ he makes
mistakes.  I have a memory for policy minutiae that
verges on the photographic, and I make mistakes on
this list.  I shudder to think how many I would make
speaking as much as he does, without the chance to
Google for research.

In fact, however, you (like Tom) display the usual
leftists contempt for those who disagree with you -
including the American people.  Do you really think
Eisenhower won because he lied to the American people?
 Or do you think that maybe Stevenson's sentiment that
most of the American public didn't think had something
to do with it?  I would posit that the results of the
election suggested that they thought pretty well -
they certainly thought well enough to vote for someone
other than Adlai Stevenson!  

Have _you_ ever listened to Limbaugh?  He's not
popular because he lies, he's popular because, first,
he's a gifted entertainer, and second, because he
speaks to people in a voice that is almost nonexistent
in other forms of the mass media - the voice of a
patriotic middle American.  Not something you can get
on NPR - and I _do_ listen to NPR a lot.

Limbaugh, like Fox News, is popular because he
brilliantly figured out how to provide something that
the market wasn't - not unbiased news, but news that
lacked the pervasive liberal bias of most of the mass
media.  On radio, of course, Limbaugh had a particular
advantage, where he competes in news terms against the
ludicrous NPR.

When the left understands that the reason people
disagree with you isn't because its smarter than them,
or because they're evil liars only seeking power, or
as Tom says, "shits", then it will start towards
political relevance.  Until then, Fox News is going to
keep beating the snot out of CNN, not because it's
biased, but because it understands its audience.

Tom likes to talk about Limbaugh hating, btw.  When
Limbaugh went deaf (in two weeks!) but was treated by
a cochlear implant, Eric Alterman's (currently
employed by MSNBC, so clearly his dissent was punished
harshly - punish me in such a way, please!) comment
was that he wished Limbaugh had gone deaf, because
"the country would be better off without him and his
20 million listeners."  Limbaugh's done quite a few
reprehensible things.  Making fun of Chelsea Clinton
on TV, for example, was contemptible.  I somehow don't
recall him ever wishing that one of his opponents was
stricken with deafness, or stating that America would
be better off without 20 million of his fellow
Americans.  Who is more driven by hatred here, exactly?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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