--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 05:52:03PM +0530, Ritu wrote:
> > Nope. Orders don't begin with 'Try'. Had that been an order, it would
> > have read: 'Listen more and argue less...'.
> Bzzzt. Try again. Orders can begin with "try". Try means to do something
> but not necessarily expect complete success. "Try this" can certainly be
> an order.

Your listening, but not, listening. Why else would you quible about the
clasification of a sentence. Does it really change the infomration?

Do you asume yourself to be in such a leadership position here that you get
to dictate the way subscribers construct their sentences?

You know, trying to comunicate with you reminds me an aufull lot of being
presented with Lisa. At first is seems quite amazing, but then, a bit
annoying, and finaly, simply too predictable to bother.

               Jan William Coffey

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