Hi Harry-

Lorrimer here. You've posted a couple of tidbits from me in the past. This
one isn't a big secret or anything, but I haven't seen anything about it yet
on your site.

Dan Simmon's Hyperion saga is one of the best series of science fiction
novels in the last several years, if not ever. It's not really a series;
it's two long stories each split into two books. Amazing characters, amazing
literary references, amazing prose, and one of the most amazing far-future
human civilization concepts ever. Mind-blowing stuff. I've always assumed
there was no way this could be made into a movie -- the plot is broad and
complex (almost to the point of incomprehensibility at times), the amount of
CGI that would be necessary is staggering, and the themes are profoundly

Dan Simmons spoke at the University Bookstore in Seattle a few nights ago.
Among a bunch of great stuff, he told us that the screen rights for the
Hyperion saga have been sold to a major studio -- and that a major star and
major director are in talks for a trilogy of movies based on the Hyperion
saga. He pointed out that this is the movie business and anything can
happen; nothing is definite. He told us that he's not allowed to announce
who it is.

But he is allowed to give hints. And he gave us a pretty solid goddamn hint.

He said the director and star did a movie together very recently. He said
something about it being a movie with an extravagant budget. And then he
said, and I'm attempting to quote him from memory, it was a movie "about
some gangs in some city somewhere."

Is Martin Scorsese directing Leonardo DiCaprio in a fucking trilogy of
movies based on the Hyperion saga?

If so, if this actually happens, it may be the first real attempt to do with
the science fiction genre what Peter Jackson is trying to do with the
fantasy genre with Lord of the Rings. Adapt a major genre epic, do it right,
don't dumb it down, use cutting-edge technology to attempt something always
considered impossible. God, I hope this is what's happening.


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