> We've been led through the nosering, people.  Read
> about the white paper of October 2002 in this article.
> "Literary license" my gluteus maximae -- that belongs
> in fiction writing, not official policy explanations

But, to the war-is-wonderful crowd, all that fades down the memory hole. Now, 
the justification is (and ALWAYS HAS BEEN), Look, we got rid of Saddam 

"Nukuler weppins? We knew all along he never had no nukuler weppins. But he's 
a bad 'un, and we's gone 'n' got rid o' that ol' sumbitch. Now y'all stand 
back and shut the f*ck up while we hand out some more tax breaks to our 
billionaire friends and drill for six months worth of oil in Alaska and shred the 
Constitution into mulch."

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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