--- Sonja van Baardwijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even when I was a kid I used to get a lot done
> during the nights I
> couldn't get to sleep. After a bit of troubled sleep
> I'd get up shortly
> after midnight, then start cleaning, organising,
> rearranging, writing
> letters, etc. basically sorting out whatever was on
> my mind that kept me from sleeping. 

Much more effecient use of time than what I did when I
was a sleepless kid...made up stories about my stuffed
animals, hummed theme tunes from "The Herculoids" and
"Gilligan's Island," and figured out just how much
noise it took to wake up my brother... ;)

>Drop back to bed really tired at
> about six in the morning
> and sleep in 'till around noon. Used to drive my mom
> nuts with that. But
> it worked for me. It would probably still work if I
> wouldn't have to get
> up in the morning for 'le petit'. 

Young Zimba *still* hasn't learned that waking me at
4AM won't get his breakfast any sooner - just a trip
to the laundry room for him!  :)  Funny how I hated
naps as a kid, but cherish them now.

Ah For The Days When I Could Sleep In Past Elevenses
Maru  :)

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