Though my father, Twaphu-anuph, knew enough Anglic for business and Galactic 
Institute purposes, I never bothered learning it.

That is, until I met Alvin Hph-wayuo.    .

Now, my husband wanted me to learn Anglic so that I could read his journal in 
it's original form. He also suggested that I start to keep my own journal, 
and to copy his style and form and write it in Anglic as well. "Write it for a 
human readership," he said. "Even if it is to be for a generation of readers 
not yet born."

All of which I am now doing, as this is to be the first entry of that journal.

And Anglic is the correct language to do it in.

Besides the complexities of built in ambiguity and homophones, the richness 
of metaphor and simile, there is the tautology that the language has the simple 
sense of common sense.  I do not think that any Galactic language can 
translate correctly, either verbally or visually, the loving and yet stern Anglic 
statement that follows.

"I feel like kicking my husband's ass."

Maybe I'm going to be writing more specifically for a human female 
readership. Whether humans are true wolflings or not, it seems that for both the Hoon 
and the Human Race, the fact that a male being is first and foremost a male can 
transcend any superficial differences in size, skin, and skeletal arrangements.

Alvin, a male, wrote his journal filling it with what he though was both 
interesting and important.

And failed miserably when it came to fulfilling a female's interests.

I can only find my mother's name twice. Once for when Alvin came to our 
Kazzkark house and there were introductions, and then again with the proper formal 
recording of our wedding. Nothing about my mother's personality, my mother's 
quirks, her life.

My late grandmother isn't mentioned at all, and it was her death that 
indirrectly brought us to Kazzkark.

Alvin has a sister.

I could not find her name, and the journal never even mentioned if she is an 
older or a younger sibling.

Typical male.

So, istead of recording our now hectic day to day life, I'm going to first 
delve into our past history. Father, mother, grandmother, Alvin, myself, and 
then hoonish life in general. All with the human reader in mind.

I'm not going to mention anything that happened on or after that one day that 
changed our lives forever.

After all, you earthbound humans knew more about what was going to happen to 
us well before we did!

Here on the list, you know that I'm refering to the day that Alvin got his 
first royalty check. It took over nine months for the Galactic Institutes to 
issue a blanket pardon for everything that had happened in regards to Jijo. The 
day after the edict was issued, Gillian had Alvin's Journal go to press. Dr. 
Brin mentions it so many times in Heaven's Reach. Gotta happen. It has been 
nailed to the church door.

On the net, once I get the introduction page done and Steve sets it up and 
Dr. Brin makes the link to it, it'll be a mystery for the reader to figure out 
what Dor-hinuf is talking about.

William Taylor
As promised:

Next email to make fun
of Dr. Brin---in a nice way.

If Alvin gets his rear end
smacked, who do you think he's
going to want to kick in return?

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