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Show human toddlers a sweet and there's a tendency to see their little hands 
making clutching motions.

What if the same thing can be seen in hoon children?

Although I know absolutely nothing about the subject, I'm gestating the idea 
of having Dor-hinuf do a comparative study of human-hoon child psychology.

On any of the many hoon worlds, a child learns to read by solving math 
On Jijo they read simple stories of daily life.

It's only after hoon children start going to school that hoon-human patterns 
of behavior start to divide.

By scientific observation, using both Uplift and Wolfling methods, Alvin's 
wife concludes that jijoan hoonish behavior is the natural path that the hoon 
would have taken if not for their patrons imposing an educational system 
specifically designed to create accountants.

Dor-hinuf begins to side more with Mudfoot and Huck whenever there's been an 
arguement with either Alvin or Dol Hasa-roch.

I'm trying to spice up the plot a bit.

I still think the Hurmuphta storyline by itself won't work as a novel. It's 
like a single deck of cards. It has to be shuffled in with the other deck. Tom 
and Creideiki, or Tom  alone.

Merging into one plotline only when the final trumps are being played.

You're right, Julia.  If the football games were any good I probably wouldn't 
have started thinking about new plot twists.

William Taylor
Hoonish home 
schooling would 
be a sort of 

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