--- "Adam C. Lipscomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> >  - who is getting really good at hanging up mercilessly on
> telemarketers
> > that won't take "no thanks" for an answer.
> Our baby boy is frequently crying when telemarketers call.  I give
> them one "I'm terribly sorry, but we do not accept telephone
> solicitations."  If they continue talking, or try to claim that their
> solicitation call is not a solicitation call, I cheerfully say, "Oh,
> OK!  Hold on one second!"  Then I hold the phone next to Alec and let
> him go to town for a little while.
> After all, I can't hamper my son's expression of free speech, can I?

It just occured to me that a very loud shrill wistle is free speach.

               Jan William Coffey

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