--- "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 03:54 PM 10/3/2003 -0700 Chad Cooper wrote:
> >Since when... Maybe 300 years ago... If it was an effective "epithet", it
> >would be in everyday language for the average 14 Year-old boy.  Its
> comical
> >to think of a young kid using the words "You redskin!" as insult. Unless
> >"redskin" sounds something like "Beeoottchhhh!!", I think they have it all
> >wrong..
> Exactly, I would never have guessed that the name Redskins was offensive
> until someone told me.

I am sure that at some time in the south there was someone such as yourself
who made the statement that they ,"never would have guessed that the name
Negro was offensive" until someone told them. 

               Jan William Coffey

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