
Too Kind to Jacques Chirac 
Events have convinced Abiola Lapite that he has been too kind to French
President Jacques Chirac: 

Foreign Dispatches: By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them 

If it may have seemed at times that my criticisms of French foreign
policy were somewhat one-sided, I offer the following article as evidence
on my behalf:
Mahathir Thanks Chirac for Support

MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has thanked French President
Jacques Chirac for blocking a European Union declaration condemning his
comments last week that Jews "rule the world by proxy," news reports said

Chirac, backed by Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis, stopped the EU
from ending a summit on Friday with a harshly worded statement deploring
Mahathir's speech, which also included suggestions that Jews get "others
to fight and die for them."

A French diplomat, who asked not to be named, said while Chirac disagreed
with Mahathir's strident views, he argued that an EU summit declaration
"would not have been appropriate."

Malaysian newspapers said Mahathir had expressed his gratitude to Chirac
for his "understanding" of the speech he made at the 57-nation
Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the world's largest Muslim
grouping, in Malaysia last Thursday.


"I never thought the Europeans would be against me," [Hmm, I wonder why
he'd have thought that ...] the New Sunday Times quoted him as saying. "I
can't understand them. I'm glad that Chirac at least understands. I would
like to thank him publicly." (emphasis added)
What an understanding fellow this Chirac is, isn't he? For Chirac is an
honourable man, as are Mahathir and all the rest of the OIC leaders; so
are they all, all honourable men ...

It is hard to disagree: not only a thief, not only somebody who has
little sense of what the interests of the industrial core and the world
are, but an anti-semite as well. 


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