On 10/31/03 12:46 AM, "The Fool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---
> Ted turner hasn't controlled CNN for a very long time now.

"Officially" that may be the case.  All it takes is a phone call.

> As opposed to MSNBC, with Michael savage (who was fired for his extremely
> bigoted remarks), and Scarbourough, who unlike O'reilly (A registered
> republican outed by the Washington Post who writes articles for
> exclusively extremist right-wing magazines like townhall, newsmax,
> worldnetdaily, and gives speeches to republican national committee
> rallies) who unabashedly shows off his extremist right-wing viewpoint.
> Lets not forget How MSNBC fired Donahue, their highest rated show (with
> rating continuing to go up), and replaced it with scaroughbough whose
> ratings are less than stellar and not going up at all.  Or perhaps you
> remember last year when MSNBC had religious extremist Alan Keys doing a
> daily show.

Michael is better on the radio.  I can't stand Scarbourgh and Keys.  I have
a hard enough time with Hannity and Colmes. Donahue's ratings almost went
negative they were that bad.  MSNBC's ratings are never that great.
Townhall is mainstream conservative site.  The whacko hang out at Free
Republic, but you know that.  Newsmax and WorldNetDaily are more concerned
that you buy something from them.
> If people wanted to read extremist right-wing newspapers then they would.
> They Exist.  The Washington Times has one of the smallest circulation's
> of any paper in the country, and in fact Sun Young Moon (who owns it) has
> spent more than 2 Billion dollars of his own money to keep the Washington
> Times afloat.  In the same way the New York Post loses 20 Million dollars
> a year, and has lost about that much for about the last 25 years.

Wall Street Journal?  Oh, that one makes money.

> They aren't conservative, they're extremist.  There's a difference.

You use the terms interchangeably, could you give me your definitions?  I am
a religious conservative.  I want to know how to get to "extreme".  Remember
extreme is "in" :)

> ---
> I'll see your article and raise you a 'Rush, Newspeak and Fascism':

Deal.  As long as you read mine, I'll read yours.  I have listened to Rush
for about 10 years now...I really need to understand how he can be fascist
when he doesn't hold a government position and he is against big government.

Crum, I missed Adult Swim for this!
Matthew Bos


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