--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Please leave Marx out of it. He died in 1883 (34
> years before the Russian 
> Revolution), he never expected (nor would he have
> approved) Communism to come 
> first to an agrarian, largely pre-industrial country
> like Russia, and he would 
> have been appalled, infuriated, outraged, disgusted,
> shocked and in every other 
> possible way rejected everything Lenin and Stalin
> and their successors did in 
> the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere.
> Tom Beck

I doubt it. Although Marx certainly wouldn't have
wanted communism to come to Russia first, everything
that _happened_ in Russia is a logical outgrowth of
his beliefs.  Marx certainly would have had great
sympathy for the methods Lenin and Stalin used - they
follow from his philosophy fairly clearly.  The
dictatorship part of "dictatorship of the proletariat"
was not a misnomer.

Marx _certainly_ would have approved of Lenin's and
Stalin's anti-semitism.  "On the Jewish Question" is
so viciously anti-semitic that the historical affinity
of some Jewish intellectuals for Marxism has always
confused the hell out of me.

Gautam Mukunda
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