On 2 Nov 2003 at 10:34, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> --- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I imagine that a number of white people in Texas who
> > own guns would have 
> > something to say about this....
> > 
> >     Julia
> I would imagine that a number of black and Hispanic
> people in Texas who own guns would have something to
> say about this as well.  Genocide is much harder to
> conduct against an armed populace, as the Founders
> well understood.

Actually, it's easier.

The common people, frankly, are not soldiers. They are not trained. A 
regular amy unit will roll over them.

An Army unit ordered to kill unarmed civilians will very likely NOT 
follow that order in a Western (and I include the post-USSR former 
soviet states in that) Nation, but if they are fired on they WILL 
return fire.

And I simply don't believe Heinlien's "An armed society is a polite 
society". It's "An armed society is a TENSE (or maybe stressed) 

I can see and agree with the need for guns to be carried in Israel. 
But not America.

Dawn Falcon


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