Does anyone remember how I said I wasn’t interested in checking out 
DB’s and Ascott Hampton’s new graphic novel, _The Life Eaters_, 
because I didn’t care for _Forgiveness_?  Well, Brent Frankenhoff, 
Managing Editor of _Comics Buyer’s Guide_ (
has a different view, and now I may go ahead and take a look at it after all.

 To wit:
“After a disappointing first graphic novel (_Star Trek: The Next 
Generation – Forgiveness_) Brin and Hampton team up again for an 
alternate history graphic novel where the Norse gods are summoned to 
help the Nazi cause during World War II.  And this time, the team 
gives readers a slam-bang adventure that doesn’t let up.

Of course, the usual Norse archetypes pop up here with Odin and Thor 
helping the Nazis and Loki betraying the group by aiding the Allies, 
but Brin digs deeper and questions whether the “gods” are really 
mythological beings or aliens or simply belief made flesh.  An 
intriguing concept and one that has been explored elsewhere 
with “gods” fading into obscurity as their followers dwindle in 
number.  The only drawback to the story is that Brin doesn’t fully 
apply this concept to other mythological pantheons, leaving readers 
to do that work.

Hampton’s art is well-suited to this story with its powerful imagery 
and need for flame-lit effects.  One scene, featuring a squadron of 
helicopters invading southeast Asia, is reminiscent of a similar 
scene from _Apocalypse Now_ and one can almost hear the strains of 
Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.”

This is a book that can easily be shared with non-comics readers who 
will quickly be immersed in the story and forget they’re reading a 
comic book.  Look for this book to pop up on several awards lists 
next year.”

Grade: A+
Pros: Excellent alternate history.
Cons: More adventures needed.

Taken from _Comics Buyer’s Guide_ #1565

Just wanted to share an opposing POV from my initial reaction.  I 
may grab a copy and give Dr. Brin and Mr. Hampton’s collaboration a 
shot despite my earlier misgivings.

The Comic Book Guy Maru

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