The Wal-Mart experience of the day....

Ok, I am not really into the conspiracy theory thing, except for the
covert Black Helicopters owned by the Amish, but that's a different
theory... ANYWAY, I would like to know what sadistic, man hating woman,
designed shopping carts that put an angry two year old at the exact
angle and position for them to inflict excruciating and embarrassing
pain upon a man when they kick and flail for not getting their way in
the store?  Not only is the pain beyond description, but when surrounded
by people, including many attractive single moms, what is a man to do
except grit his teeth, shake it off and quickly leave the area - while
trying hard to breathe again and not throw up?

How could that have been designed by anyone but an angry woman?  I'm
thinking that a man would have put a safety cage around the kids foot
area or at least turned the kid another way, like maybe to the front or

In retrospect, I don't think Achilles only weakness was his heel.


Wearing a cup shopping next time Maru.


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