Yippee! and hot diggety!  This is great news for us
cocoa-drinkers!  :D

"...Hot cocoa has more disease-fighting antioxidants
than tea or red wine. And the heat may help propel
them into the bloodstream. 

"Extensive studies have shown that black tea, green
tea, red wine, and cocoa are "major" sources of
antioxidants called phenols and flavonoids --
antioxidant chemicals found naturally in foods that
can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart
disease and cancer, writes lead researcher Ki Won Lee,
PhD, a food science researcher with Seoul National
University in South Korea...

"...In their study, Lee and colleagues performed a
complicated chemical analysis of cocoa, black tea,
green tea, and red wine, finding that cocoa had the
highest levels of antioxidants, twice as high as red
wine, and nearly three times stronger than green tea: 

-Cocoa had 611 mg of phenols and 564 mg of flavonoids.

-Red wine had 340 mg of phenols and 163 mg of
-Green tea had 165 mg of phenols and 47 mg of
-Black tea had 124 mg of phenols and 34 mg of

"These results suggest that cocoa is more beneficial
to health than teas and red wine in terms of its
higher antioxidant capacity" and ability to fight
damage leading to heart disease and cancer, writes

"...a cup of hot cocoa has a much lower level of
saturated fats (0.3 g per serving) than a bar of
chocolate (8 g per 40 g bar)." 

who drinks cocoa frequently in winter anyway, but who
now can toss out the teensy bit of "guilty pleasure"
and unreservedly proclaim "cocoa gooood!!!"  :D

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