ALABAMA CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST: This fall, state and national 
conservative groups led the charge to kill Alabama Gov. Bob Riley's tax redistribution 
efforts and now aren't willing to pay the price. The Republican governor warned 
at the time that the cash-strapped state was in dire fiscal straits, as he 
attempted to pull in revenue while easing taxes on the state's poor by shifting 
more of the burden to corporations. Now, with the coffers gone dry, the 
government is having to slice services to the very bone. But <A 
 disconnect over 
paying for services</A> has already set in. While 68% of the state rejected 
increasing taxes for the wealthy corporations, a new poll shows a majority is strongly 
opposing plans to "cut education spending by almost $200 million and to 
eliminate funding for 3,400 teaching positions across the state." And believe it or 
not, one of the men leading the opposition to the tax is now leading the 
complaint about the cuts; Roger McConnell, of Mobile, is complaining that "Riley 
should not be cutting teachers."

Tom Beck

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