> I, for one, don't think Fox is unbiased.  I think it's
> about as biased as CNN or PBS - considerably less than
> NPR, though, to be honest.  It's just in the opposite
> direction.  The hysterical reaction to Fox, it seems
> to me, has more to do with the sudden shock of the
> leftist intelligentisia at finding that it doesn't
> monopolize American information any more.

With all due respect, this is just nonsense. Fox is openly antagonistic to 
the left - openly so. Derisive, disrespectful, jingoistic, etc. They don't make 
even the slightest pretense otherwise. CNN at least makes an attempt to show 
the other side. PBS and NPR are also much more variegated than you give them 
credit for - not to mention reaching a far smaller audience. 

If you like Fox, fine. If you agree with them, that's your right. But don't 
pretend to yourself or to anyone else that they are anything except, 
essentially, the TV arm of the Republican Party.

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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