What do you expect from these scumbags in the White House? They announce 
nice-sounding proposals and reap the benefit from people who want to believe that 
their (in this case not really) elected officials are on the side of the 
angels. Then, after getting good press for their announcement - and after the press 
has turned its attention elsehwere - they quietly do nothing (at best; the 
exact opposite of what they announced, at worst). Then, whenever anyone points 
this out, someone who desperately wants to continue to delude himself that the 
Bushitters are not cynical lying scum, bleats that they should still get the 
credit for meaning well. But the list of broken promises is staggering: 
Afghanistan, the environment, veterans, schools, international AIDS funding - all 
impressive sounding initiatives, all left to rot and vanish   - how long can they 
get away with this cynical manipulation?

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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