----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: christian dreams of murder...

> A government sting that ends in the murder by Federal
> agents of an American citizen holding her baby done at
> the behest of a liberal Democrat is a worthy exercise
> of government power protecting Americans.  Holding
> non-citizens captured fighting against American
> soldiers in Afghanistan prisoner, that's the first
> sign of fascism when done by a Republican.

I remember Ruby Ridge and the controversy surrounding it.  There was a lot
of debate concerning exactly what happened.  The range of interpretations
that I saw was anything from a mistake under fire to actions that should
have ended up with the trial and conviction of the agent involved.

However, during the time, I've also seen multiple times that cops busted
down doors looking for drugs, killing unarmed people.  It certainly didn't
get the news coverage that Ruby Ridge did.  I know in Houston, at least,
the cops never being convicted.  I remember statistics being gathered at
the time, but not the details of the statistics,

I remember the standoff with the Branch Davidians, and how the government
was chastised for being too hard on terrorists who were planning an action
that would kill as many people as killed on 9-11.***  Second guessing the
governments actions was fine; it was the anger at even trying to stop these
terrorists that was amazing. Private militias, talking about actively
opposing the government with illegal arms were defended as true loyal

Indeed, as I mentioned before, I know a member of one of those militias who
stated "its too bad about the babies, but the agents had it coming" after
Oklahoma City.  The hostility I felt, not just from this man, against going
after terrorists like this amazed me at the time.  I don't doubt that you
can pull out some quotes from leftists who said the same thing, but this is
the sorta thing I heard at work from just regular folks.

Dan M.

*** Whether there plan would actually kill that many people, I don't know.
But, scores of gunmen with automatic weapons attacking a crowd coming out
of a packed football game does have the potential at least for thousands of


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