--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK I was joking about the competence but I would
> wager dimes to donuts that competence and capability
> are quite common in skilled laborers social workers
> public defense lawyers and union organizers. The
> point is that CEOs are republicans because
> republicans represent the interests of business and
> wealthy individuals 

The point, btw, is not that competence and such are
not found in social workers.  There are some great
athletes who are not professional.  But I doubt there
are many professional-caliber athletes who are not
professionals - it's just too hard, and the rewards of
turning pro are too high.  Similarly with CEOs.  If
you're good enough at management to manage a Fortune
500 company, that's probably what you _are_ doing -
that or working in a place of similar responsibility
(the government, for example).  Social workers don't
face the same sort of Darwinian pressures.  The very
best lawyers might.  The problem is that you can't
compare CEOs to all lawyers - it's not as if CEO is a
profession.  CEO is the culmination of a profession. 
Peter Angelos is on the same tier, but do you think
that the same level of ability is in your average (not
exceptional, but average) public defender?  I don't.  

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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