When Asthma Attacks
 A new report from Clean the Air reveals that the ill-conceived energy bill, 
should it be enacted into law, would have<A 
 severe public health consequences</A> 
around the country â especially for children. At issue is a little noticed 
provision in the massive legislation that would "<A 
 for years</A> pollution 
reductions needed to achieve ozone smog clean air standards in the dirtiest areas" by 
allowing "communities with unhealthy air quality...to point the finger at 
pollution sources outside their borders." On three separate occasions federal 
courts have ruled the practice illegal. The study shows that delays in 
implementing the Clean Air Act would lead to 4,900 hospitalizations due to respiratory 
illness, 387,400 asthma attacks and over 573,000 missed school days each year. 
Some areas of the country would be<A 
 particularly hard hit</A>. In Pennsylvania 
non-attainment of ozone standards would lead to more than 47,000 missed school 
days, more that 34,000 asthma attacks and more than 440 hospital admissions for 
respiratory illness. Ohio: 29,000 lost school days, 20,000 asthma attacks, 287 
hospital admission. Virginia: 15,000 lost school days, 11,000 asthma attacks, 
129 hospital admissions. (Find out the impact in your state<A 
 HERE</A>. Skeptical? 
Review the methodology of the study, conducted by the nation's leading air 
pollution consultants,<A 

Tom Beck

"I don't think we're in any danger of Johnnie Cochrane defending Michael 

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