I saw Michael Crichton's 'Timeline" tonight. I was pleasantly surprised.
It has been a few years since I read the book, but the movie seems to be
reasonably faithful to the original storyline. There were some
annoyances - like them posing some questions that were never answered,
but otherwise it wasn't bad.

Interestingly enough, out of the 40+ people that were at that showing,
more than 2/3 were girls in the 17 to 20ish range. I suppose that is
because Paul Walker was in the movie.

I do love the previews... There were a couple of promising movies
previewed. The first one was "Paycheck". It looks promising despite the
fact that it stars Ben Affleck. The other movie is "The Punisher". I am
not a big fan of that comic book, but the preview looks like it has

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