Davd Brin wrote:
>--- Jim Sharkey
>> It seems to me that the most important trait to DB's
>>protagonists is stubbornness.
>Interesting!  I certainly say so, explicitly, about the character 
>in KILN PEOPLE. And yet, I hardly envision it as an unwillingness 
>to contemplate changes in tactics.  I thought Maia changed tactics 
>several times.

I probably wasn't clear there, my apologies.  I think it's more of a case that 
whenever faced with a road that might make their lives easier, but that could involve 
some compromise, they reject it.

>I guess I do see persistence in the face of pain to be one of 
>the 'classic' protagonist virtures that I find most admirable. 

That was what I was getting at, yes.

>I'd be interested whether others also feel I over-use this 

I don't believe that you "over-use" it, necessarily.  A lot of authors have a favorite 
theme that pops up often in their works, and I was just wondering if you or the other 
listees had seen that as one of your main themes.  Especially since even some of your 
secondary characters succeed the same way.  If the Thennannin ambassador in TUW wasn't 
so stubborn in his search for Garthlings, for example, they'd have never gotten a new 
client race, to use the first example that comes to mind.

I hope you didn't think this was a "Brin is a hack" or a "bitch" post, David.  I was 
seriously interested in hearing what people thought on this, and I'm just trying to 
experiment with some on-topicness.  I thought it might be fun.  :-)

Stirring the pot Maru

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