If you have noticed that I have been unusually quiet this week and wondered what was responsible for your good fortune, I'm sorry to have to tell you that I'm apparently back. Near as I can figure out, something in a spam message did not agree with Eudora and it crashed. Getting the latest version and upgrading did not make the problem go away, rather, I had to install the new version in a new directory and then rebuild all of my mailboxes (generally, one or more for each list I'm on, each person or entity from which I regularly get mail, etc., and then some). It seems like things are working now (knock wood), so here's my question: whenever Eudora crashes, or the connection with the mail server is lost, while messages are being downloaded, frequently the next time it starts all over, resulting in two identical copies of each message (more if, as has been the case this week, it crashes more than once while trying to download the same group of messages). Does anyone know of a quick way to eliminate the duplicate messages? With several hundred unique messages after a couple of days, and more arriving from you loquacious people all the time, going through and deleting them one at a time is not very practical, even though obviously two copies of a message take up twice the disk space of one copy, and three, four, . . . is even worse. Any suggestions?

-- Ronn! :)


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