...of religion

"French President Jacques Chirac is expected to express his support for a law that would ban pupils wearing Islamic headscarves in schools.

In a speech to the nation on Wednesday, he is due to give his reaction to last week's report which proposed a ban on conspicuous religious signs in schools.

The study by an expert commission examined a range of issues relating to religion and the state in France.

Religious leaders say the ban would be seen as discriminatory.

As well as headscarves, the ban would include Jewish skull-caps and large Christian crosses.

"Discreet" medallions and pendants which merely confirm a person's religious faith would be allowed.

Christian groups have said the proposed ban could harm the integration of schools.

But Mr Chirac has expressed his support for such plans in the past, in the interests of reinforcing France's "secular" identity."

William T Goodall
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