This truly qualifies as a "ghost post". (sorry, Nick, couldn't resist
using the quotes!)

Likely a hoax, but neat none the less because I have been there....

Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court

The Associated Press
Updated: 2:03 p.m. ET Dec. 19, 2003LONDON - Are there ghostly goings-on
at Henry VIII's palace, or is that hazy image of a fellow in fancy robes
just a bit of Christmas cheer?

Closed-circuit security cameras at Hampton Court Palace, the huge Tudor
castle outside London, seem to have snagged an ethereal visitor. Could
it be a ghost?

"We're baffled too - it's not a joke, we haven't manufactured it," said
Vikki Wood, a Hampton Court spokeswoman, when asked if the photo the
palace released was a Christmas hoax. "We genuinely don't know who it is
or what it is."

Complete article...


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