On the bright side, did you know that it can be a lot of fun doing
play-by-play for an infant?

1) Hold infant in front of you, facing you.

2) Peer over infant's shoulder to see the TV.

3)  As the play is made, describe it in a high-pitched voice with all
the enthusiasm you can muster.  Between plays, comment on the score, the
field, the coaches, etc. in the same enthusiastic, high-pitched voice.

4) Enjoy her smiles in reaction to your talking to her like that. :)


That was in Three Men and Baby also. Tom Selleck was reading a Sports Illustrated article about a boxing match, with blood and other graphic details, but in a high voice to entertain the baby.

Back from shopping. Drove to Philly for a computer show and sale, got there and found a gun show in progress also. (The kind described in the dreaded gun show loophole.) So great fun for both. This is the earliest I've been done shopping in ten years. I should get wrapping done tomorrow.

And Atlanta winning! Swoon. Hmm, TB just scored and got the two-point play. Spoke too soound?

Kevin T. - VRWC
Off to work


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