At 10:12 PM 12/23/2003 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.
>Is that always your answer? "You're another"? Deal with the issue at hand: 
>Rush Limbaugh is demanding an accommodation for himself that he has
>insisted, loudly and without compassion or mercy, not be accorded anyone
>who has done similar things. 

This is false.   I know of no instance in which Rush Limbaugh has not
accorded anyone else the privacy of their medical records.   More to the
point, I know of no instance when Rush Limbaugh has "loudly and without
compassion or mercy" said that individuals should not have the right to
keep their medical records private.

>Only thing is, Rush is such an obnoxious pig, so loud and so absolutely 
>certain of his own genius and infallibility and perfect rectitude, that
you can't 
>blame people for piling on when he brings all this shit down upon himself, 

I do blame you, however, for gratuitously swearing On-List.

>then acts like he did nothing wrong, and it's all someone else's fault, and 
>then hides behind his lawyers - exactly the kind of behavior that he has
>shrieked about when someone he doesn't like does. Why doesn't he practice
>he's been preaching? 

This is false.   Rush Limbaugh has regularly and repeatedly claimed
responsibility for his addiction and his own actions.

Again, it's simple human nature, but he has never been 
>so understanding of anyone else's foibles. You'd hope being revealed as
>would teach him a lesson; but I guess you'd be wrong.
>You deal with Rush, since he's one of your own (and you can have him). Leave 
>the Left to the liberals. 

And of course, you have not at all responded to the allegation that the
Left are at minimum no better than the Right than policing their own.
Apparently you would rather swear and bash Rush Limbaugh than actually
address my post.   Kind of ironic for someone who began this post "deal
with the issue at hand."

Thanks anyway.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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