At 07:14 AM 12/24/2003, you wrote:
I just got back from a short holiday before Christmas to find 300 Brin
messages waiting for me (not to mention another 400+ others). I'll catch up
in a few days.

In the morning, Maree and I will be going to Melbourne to have Christmas
lunch with her family, and then to the other side of town to have dinner
with my folks.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Christmas,

Ray Ludenia.

PS: I know I'm an hour early, but my connection is about to be broken.

Aye, the same here. Went to work expecting a ten hour day, got a gift from the boss letting everyone out four hours early. (Still have to work Dec 26 grumble).

Called the garage, my truck is driveable but not finished, so I can use it to get a fridge and return it Friday. This repair bill will be very high.

Went to other job to see if they needed help, since I can use the money, but they were fine. I've heard horror stories about three lines with 20+ customers in each. I got there and no one was in the store. Must have been the rain.

Came home to get truck and change clothes for the drive north. And burn a CD while I'm at it.

So happy holidays.

Kevin Tarr


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