JDG wrote:
>>>1) Overall, I think that The Two Towers is the best movie.

Travis replied:
> >Hear that? It's the sound of your whole argument going right out the
> ><lol> Sorry I couldn't resist. On a serious note though, in an attempt to
> >divulge my opinion on the trilogy, let me say that IMO "The Two Towers"
> >the worst as opposed to the best. It deviated too much from the actual
> >story-line. Fellowship was for the most part faithfull to the book, same
> >ROTK.

JDG responded:
> I think that I mentioned in my piece that having read the books 10 years
> ago,  I was almost completely uninterested to how faithful the movie
> to the deatils of the book.
> Actually, I am quite sure that I did.

I have a friend at work who reads the books every year and The Two Towers is
unquestionably his favorite book.  The extended version of The Two Towers is
also his favorite movie of the trilogy, even with all of the changes.  Just
thought I'd toss that in there.

Reggie Bautista
De gustibus non est disputandum Maru


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