Very little things get noticed on the later viewing.

Non-spoilers to follow.

When Gandalf and Pippin get to the Hall of the Steward, there's a bird 
hopping on the left side of the doorway. Was this just the way it happened, or was 
the bird digitally added in?

Debbi can confirm. When the Rohenin (sp?) charge into the orc army on the 
field, if you focus in on the lead horses, you can see the computer work in their 
change from a cantor to a gallop. Neato.

Sam is taller than Rose at the wedding, but returns to being shorter when he 
comes back from the Grey Havens.

Frodo seems to have grown back one joint of his finger when he's back home at 
his desk.

And there's either a wayward hobbit that had some fun in the white city, or 
someone from there once had an affair with a hobbit. I tell you there's a 
hobbit kid that has the exact same face as one of the human kids in the white city. 
(   ;-)   )

And best of all.....


The movie theater now has a Lord of the Rings pinball machine.

Good design.   Plenty of opporunity for multiball

Everyone's voice is used except Saron. (Maybe that was saved for 'tilt.')

The balrog looked rather cheesey. I guess you couldn't have real flames 
inside of a pinball machine.

They missed an opportunity to have Shaddowfax mode by releasing a white 
plastic ball. (It'd move faster than the steel balls.)

I didn't see any eagles. Maybe they come in only if you win multiple jackpots 
or destroy the Ring. (Which I never got to do in about 15 games played.)

William Taylor
Never much into
video games.

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