> From: iaamoac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am starting to think that it might be a full-time job to keep 
> debunking the daily lies spewed forth by The Fool on brin-l.   
> At any rate, The Washington Post reports today that President Bush 
> (whom The Fool disrespects as "Shrub") had nothing to do with this 
> law passed by the IGC.   Indeed, this law only very narrowly passeg 
> the IGC.   Moreover, The Washington Post reports today that the top 
> Bush Administration offical in Iraq, Paul Bremer, is very likely to 
> exercise his oft-criticized authority to veto IGC regulations in this 
> instance, and prevent these laws from taking effect.

It's what the original article I pointed to implied, that bremer had
allowed this.  Since I had only this article and a few people who weblog
_from iraq_ writing about it the details were sketchy.  The mainstream
news ignored this story for days.


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