Trent Shipley asked:
> What will be the tangible benefits from a manned mission to Mars?

This is going to sound awfully pie-in-the-sky because, well, because it is,
at least a little :-)

We have to get off this planet.  We don't know when we might next be hit by
an asteroid like the one that killed off most of the dinosaurs.  If you
think the human race is worth saving, then diversifying where we live is of
extreme importance.  Right now, all our eggs are in one basket.  And if you
want to take the really long-term view, eventually we have to get out of
this solar system.  You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and you
have to learn to walk before you can run.  Sure it's going to be expensive.
But if we don't start now, then when?

Reggie Bautista


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