> From: John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 12:58 AM 11/1/2003 -0600 The Fool wrote:
> >Bullshit.  I ask again: Why should anyone consider a parasitic lump of
> >undifferentiated cells any differently from a cancer?
> Because cancers are of the hosts genetic code, and because children are
> a unique and individual genetic code.

So should we consider mouth / intestinal bacteria to have human rights
because they have unique and individual genetic codes different from the
> For someone who whinges incessantly about Orwellian "NewSpeak" equating
> "reproduction" with "parasitism" is one of the most incredible
> redefinitions I have ever seen.

Thats exactly what a fetus is.  My pet cat is also a parasite.  The
reproduction you cite is inherently parasitic.


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