At 02:52 PM 1/23/2004, you wrote:
No, you didn't break it, but we're blaming the problem with the Spirit
rover on you.  :P


couldn't resist, and needing to let off some steam due to some
frustration with a certain website that will remain nameless until such
time as I determine I'm screwed on something

(Very bad thought at the bottom, but couldn't resist either)*

What happened was: I sent the one e-mail, then the second. The second didn't show up, didn't show get the idea. But nothing was showing up, this list and the other one have been very quiet. I do not know how I sent one e-mail but the other got the wrong destination.

As for the e-mail at work, the user is an internal user. You could almost call them a customer, we make the interface that they use for the system. A person had left and I'm in charge of their interface. (So now instead of doing level 2 work while being paid at level 1, I'm doing level 3 work while being paid at level 1. But I love my job, and I have a window seat now.) The boss I'm talking about is my boss's boss, but the way the internal structure works it's not that big a deal. This boss is just helping with my transition from straight programmer to manager, but there has yet to be a situation that we agree on. He/she is a great person, but I hate asking work questions; the answer is never straight forward. They wanted CC on all communication; the first e-mail I send I get pinged.

Kevin T. - VRWC
*On second thought, I'll not say it. Not bad, if I had said it face to face I would have gotten either a slap or a laugh; but not something I'd say at work.


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