Gautam wrote:

You don't think that claiming the President knew
something like that in advance was despicable?

Why don't you tell me, Guatam, why the administration has stonewalled the investigation into the causes of 9/11 and why people _shouldn't_ assume that someone that's hiding something might just have something to hide? The Republican chair of the investigation is on record as saying that the administration has been stonewalling them. Is he accusing the president of treason? This is a man that should be able to get as high a clearance as is necesssary to have access to the pertanent information and should have been granted access imediately. All Bush has to do to prove that he _didn't_ know anything beforehand is cooperate with the investigation. Why isn't he? This isn't an aqusation of treason, it's a reasonable demand by Americans to know the truth about the events leading up to the attack.

And please, if you answer the question, I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from using emotional, personal arguments like the ones below.

I notice that most of your list of comments were in
response to Dean's idiotic statements.

No, I don't think any of them were. Most of them were from early 2002, I believe, when it started to come out how much the FBI and other agencies knew in advance of 9/11.

Which doesn't make them accusations of a lack of patriotism, they
are responses to the (at the time) front runner for the Democratic nomination suggesting that the
President of the United States is a traitor.

So you don't have to say the word, you can glean the message from the context.

Just how filled with hate are you, Doug?  If I worked
in the Bush Administration (as is not impossible) will
you be on this list telling people how I've become
part of the conspiracy?

Now I'm a conspiracy waco and filled with hate because I think Bush uses the patriotism card against his political enemies. I see.

If I go to Iraq, will you be proclaiming that I'm doing it for Halliburton money?

Gautam, you make my case for me. Instead of sticking to the argument, you make it personal, just like the people who's loyalty is questioned when they don't toe the Republican line in regards to 9/11.


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