"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 08:13 AM 1/28/04, The Fool wrote:
> ><<http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/files/elections/2004/primaries/by_state
> >
> >~4479 (~7.2%) GOP NH Primary Voters voted for Democratic Write-ins
> >
> >~112 (~.1%) Democratic NH Primary voters Voted for the rootless
> >Shrubbery.
> Which beat the IIRC 54 who wrote in Hillary . . . showing apparently that
> GWB is more acceptable to Democrats than the junior Senator from NY . . .

Those people in NH are inscrutible sometimes.  Maybe some people crossed
party lines just to create a stink, and fewer actual Dems did the
arguably sensible thing of voting for someone who *hadn't* been
bombarding them with campaign ads for weeks....


those TV ads can get *quite* tiring

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