In a message dated 1/28/2004 10:26:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> And of course, all those years of negotiation going back to the Clinton
> Administration just happened to break through at the same time that Hussein
> was being toppled.    And indeed, coincidentally at the very same time the
> Iranians were deciding to come clean about their own program.    And
> indeed, coincidentally the Syrians even made an (albeit much less serious
> than those from their Iranian or Libyan counterparts) initiative to come
> clean about their own program.
> But of course, all of the above is just one giant happy coincidence
> reflecting the fruits of St. Clinton's hard work and 
> dilligence, right?

John I am simply summarizing an article in the NYT written by someone who was directly 
involved in the negotiations under Bush. He did not claim that it reflected the fruits 
of Clinton's hard work but he did acknowledge that the process began under Clinton. So 
don't make this out to be me trying to give Bill credit for something he did not do. 
Lybia agreed to deal because it was in their economic interests to do so. That is why 
they gave up the Lockerbee planners (well before Iraq). Did the war help this process 
along? Very likely. But without the prior negotiations it would not have happened and 
it probably would have happened any way. Note once again I was in favor of the war and 
believe that it will influence renegades to be more responsible but one military 
action no matter how large will not win the day for us. We need diplomacy cooperation 
and patience

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