> Where is the leftist plan for education other than >
> writing blank checks?  
> As opposed to the conservative plan of writing no
> checks at all? 

You miss the point.  The staggering stupidity of the
statement is that the mainstream dems aren't proposing
hardly any new spending at all, other than keeping
Bush's own promise to get medical insurance to poor

This is typical.  Recite the tax-and-spend liberals
mantra over and over, without mentioning any
specifics, until the Big Lie becomes a truism.

And it is a complete lie.  No congress has ever been
more corrupt, more spendthrift, more drunk on Pork and
more free-spending with our childrens' money than this
one.  And that's by ANY conceivable metric for
measuring it.

Now please... drop Brin: from these subject
headings... for a month?  till the election heats up?


* Please note.  My email address of many years is changing FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO 

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