Trent Shipley wrote:
> a modification of
> This is needed for a planned writeup on the Heebi.
I would like to make a suggestion, in order to justify some numerical
absurdities in _CA_ [namely: that the older the patron, the longer
it took to raise the client, with an almost _linear_ proportion between
those two numbers].

The suggestion is that the -absu <extinct or retired Patron> can
[and must] be dropped unless this is the Patron or the Grandpatron.

BTW, I think we need some nomenclature. _The_ Patron is the
race that Uplifted that species. _A_ Patron is any race in the
Chain of Uplift. _The_ Grandpatron, a grandpatron, the grand-grandpatron,
etc are obvious.

Alberto Monteiro


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