The Fool wrote:

As opposed to the propaganda / newspeak that comes off the tips of JDG's fingers every time he writes? Every time I write a long article I get 0 responces.

Not to be harsh or anything but actually I've found that you (as well as JDG) dump a lot of opinionated links on this list without any form of added value or any interesting comments. I'm afraid now a days I've tired of wading through them all and simply just trash them. :o) I only go back to see a link if there is a sensible response from others that make me curious enough to do so. I'm also afraid that simply quoting long articles isn't the way. IMHO you'd be better off writing a short but strong opinion piece with just the occasional link or summary for a link to illustrate your point. You'd get a lot more attention in return for your work. It actually isn't less work but at least you'd get some meaningfull return on it. Unfortunatly from experience I've found that you have to put in a lot of effort to keep a text accurate, interesting, short and to the point.

Sonja :o)
GCU: Less is more


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