The top ten SF titles with 3 or more ratings

Hyperion        Dan     Simmons 1
The Citadel of the Autarch      Gene    Wolfe   2
The Claw of the Conciliator     Gene    Wolfe   2
The Shadow of the Torturer      Gene    Wolfe   2
The Sword of the Lictor Gene    Wolfe   2
Foundation      Isaac   Asimov  3
Foundation and Empire   Isaac   Asimov  3
Second Foundation       Isaac   Asimov  3
Gateway Frederik        Pohl    3
Slaughterhouse-Five     Kurt    Vonnegut        4
A Scanner Darkly        Philip K        Dick    5
The Fall of Hyperion    Dan     Simmons 5
To Your Scattered Bodies Go     Philip Jose     Farmer  6
A Deepness in the Sky   Vernor  Vinge   7
Dune    Frank   Herbert 7
Neutron Star    Larry   Niven   7
Way Station     Clifford D      Simak   7
The Left Hand of Darkness       Ursula K        Le Guin 8
Ringworld       Larry   Niven   9
Blood Music     Greg    Bear    10
Schismatrix     Bruce   Sterling        10
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress    Robert A        Heinlein        10
The Reality Dysfunction Peter F Hamilton        10
The Shockwave Rider     John    Brunner 10
The Vor Game    Lois McMaster   Bujold  10

The top ten Fantasy titles with 3 or more ratings

The Lord of the Rings   J R R   Tolkien 1
A Wizard of Earthsea    Ursula K        Le Guin 2
The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe    C S     Lewis   3
The Voyage of The Dawn Treader  C S     Lewis   3
Lord Foul's Bane        Stephen R       Donaldson       4
The Farthest Shore      Ursula K        Le Guin 4
The Horse and His Boy   C S     Lewis   4
Watership Down  Richard Adams   4
Illearth War    Stephen R       Donaldson       5
The Tombs of Atuan      Ursula K        Le Guin 5
Prince Caspian  C S     Lewis   6
The Power That Preserves        Stephen R       Donaldson       6
The Silver Chair        C S     Lewis   6
American Gods   Neil    Gaiman  7
Good Omens      Terry   Pratchett       7
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban        J K     Rowling 7
Inferno Larry   Niven   7
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (4) J K     Rowling 8
The Last Battle C S     Lewis   9
Nine Princes in Amber   Roger   Zelazny 10

In all 20 users have entered 1403 book ratings. There are now 755 books in the database (190 additions since I last posted a top ten).

-- William T Goodall Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : Blog :

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949


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