> From: John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 04:16 PM 2/8/2004 -0600 Dan Minette wrote:
> >> See http://tinyurl.com/2vn5n for a recent discussion by Brad
> >> DeLong on the budget deficits.
> >
>  Brad DeLong has his political/normative hat on in this article.   
What he
> doesn't tell you in this article is that a lot of respected Economists
> would certainly advise *against* a balanced budget over the last few
> when the economy was faced with recession, war, and the need for a
> domestic initiative at the same time.  

Would he?  He's compiling a list:
of people who choose to remain aboard the sinking ShrubTanic.

> I have been very forthright about the fact that one of the reasons I
> hope that President Bush is re-elected is because it would prove to be
> ultimate natural experiment for what has come to be called
> economics.    The next four years look very likely to bring nominal
> Republican control of Congress and solid economic growth.   (Indeed, if
> recent productivity numbers hold up, the economic growth could be quite
> stunning over the next four years.)     I am the first person to say
> if President Bush cannot balance the budget with a Republican Congress
> solid economic growth over his second term, then it serves to reason
> much of the current Republican economic formula will be discredited.

It was descredited when arch-Republican-Villan Shrub-The-Elder coined the
term and declared Supply-Side Ecconomics as Voodoo Economics.


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