> >Is it fair to bring up that someone railing against those 
> drug users was an
> >illegal drug user himself for much of the time?  Is it fair 
> to point out
> >that he yells and screams about police action against him 
> that was in line
> >with what he advocated for others?

You know what? Screw Rush and all his true believers who excoriated
Democrats for being soft on Clinton's transgressions. Here's the definition
of a compassionate conservative: A dittohead who's just learned that Rush is
a junkie.

I wasn't a Rush hater (or fan) till this happened. The way he's handled it
makes me despise him. I wish him the worst. I hope he relapses, publicly and

But none of this proves Rush is wrong, it just proves he's a degenerate
unreformed hypocrite. Like Clinton. He should be ashamed of himself, but
he's not. Robert Downey Jr. is more sincere about reforming than that big
fat idiot Limbaugh is.

Rush is occasionally entertaining, frequently astute, and none of what's
happened proves anything except he's a liar and a cheat and he doesn't obey
the law and he's not really committed to his beliefs. 

There's a time and place to call someone an asshole, and there's a time and
place to engage in reasoned debate. Frequently, it can be hard to remember
which one you're supposed to be doing, especially when you disagree with
someone who's an asshole, or when you disagree with someone and can't think
of anything to say except, You're an asshole!

I think we sometimes forget about the fact that, really, there is a time and
place to call someone an asshole. Life isn't all about reasoned debate, and
making judgments about other people can be perfectly rational and
appropriate. Janet Jackson, you're an asshole. So's your brother. Justin
Timberlake is a perineum away from being an asshole.

My suggestion is that we should all divide our most impassioned posts into
two parts:

Part One: You're an asshole and here's why.

Part Two: You're wrong and here's why.



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