From: Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Good and evil (was Re: Reviews for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ")
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 08:04:58 -0800

Travis Edmunds wrote:

Travis Edmunds wrote:

Ah yes. You "believe". I for one, believe that views like that, hold back any sort of honest discourse.

I'm unclear on the antecedent of "views like that." Theirs, or mine?

Yours of course. After all you said you "believe".

Now it seems as though you object to my having beliefs, or having beliefs in general.

Goodness no! What I meant, was that by someone believing something, it doesn't necessarily render that particular something true.

There's plenty of room for that Nick. But when your "beliefs" interfere with the open discourse of this forum, you become just as bad as those you despise.

I don't believe that I said I despised anybody. I said that polarizing important issues is self-evidently harmful, in my opinion.

I spoke of the people behind those quotes that you evidently don't like.

Furthermore, I hesitate to think that the cause of religiously fanatical hate mongering is being furthered by someone quoting so-called "evil" comments. Especially on this forum. For that matter, we probably shouldn't talk about anything other than good wholesome sci-fi, with no more than an action based plot which never deviates from space battles, and which certainly doesn't bring forth controversial ideas. It's safer that way right?

I don't believe that I suggested that there are topics that don't belong here, which is how I read the paragraph above. My objection was to the quoting of hate-mongers as though their venom contributed anything to the discussion at hand.

Forgive me. That's what I read into you comments.

-Travis "if only we were telepathic" Edmunds

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