At 03:09 PM 2/23/2004, you wrote:

From: Kevin Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was getting some cash at a foreign ATM, different from the one I have my account with. The machine made noise like it should, but there was no POP of the cash door opening. No error messages either. I thought maybe, even though I know the account is flush with cash, that it is empty. So I switch from checking to savings and try again. Same result. Two paper slips pop out saying I have withdrawn the cash!!!

Just got home and called that bank, the one that owns the ATM. They don't care since it wasn't their account.

My bank has no after hours help.

A very similar thing happened to me a number of years back: using an ATM from a different bank than my account, with the ATM debiting my account, but not putting out the cash.

The ATM had a little service phone attached to it, so I used it to talk to some rep
who said they'd count out the ATM's cash to verify things, and I would be automatically
credited the money back to my account.

I called the ATM's bank a few days later and verified that they had checked the ATM and
I was to be credited. I waited another week or two, but still no credit to my account. So I
called my bank, and they had heard nothing of this problem or me getting a credit. It took
several more phone calls and probably over a month's total wait time to get it all straightened
out - overall, a huge PIA.

Good luck with your case! Hopefully it'll get resolved more easily than mine was!


Luckily my bank (credit union) is different. They have already credited me the money and put's the onus on the ATM owner to say I did get the cash; that I'm lying. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some ratio that popped up while she was talking to me: He lost X dollars, his average account balance is Y, his deposits are regular; ZZ% confidence he's telling the truth.

One job I interviewed for out of college, the first time, was as a repairman for ATM machines. I'm sure one reason I didn't get it; I lived on the edge of the service area so half of my calls would have a higher response time. The interview was in a little office behind a freestanding ATM building, at night.

Kevin T. - VRWC
So it begins

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