> Are you talking about this part of the 14th Amendment?
> "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or 
> property, 
>  without due process of law;"
> Exactly WHO is being deprived of anything by San Francisco 
> performing gay marriages?  I don't see how this applies.

I agree. It is the role of the court here to act as the third part of the
checks and balances built into Government.

The judges are not reacting to GWB's outright insult he has cast at the
judges who are in position on this issue. As far as I can see, everything is
working like it should. Here he states that "Activist Judges" are bad for
America, yet he applauds those "Activists" that oppose him, yet have no real
power for change. So really, in his mind, activism is OK only if it does not
work - another way to say , "Let them eat Cake". 

"After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence, and millennia of
human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change
the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created
confusion on an issue that requires clarity. "
 - GWB 2/24/2004

But what civilization is he talking about? It must be Western civilization,
because other civilizations, even today support, and make it legally
possible to participate in other forms of marriage - same sex, Polygamy,

Nerd From Hell



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